Visakh Bochea Day is very remarkable day for all Buddhists around the world. This day has been celebrated to the Birth, Enlightenment and Parinibana of Lord Buddha.
The Birth of Buddha was in the full moon of Visakh lunar month. When Siddhatha Goudama was born from the womb of Siri Maha Maya, His mother in Lumbini Park presently in Nepal, there were appreciation and joy of gods, angels, human beings and animals. The forest, mountains and earth orchestrated the concert to welcome and enjoy the presence of young little Buddha.
The Englightenment of Lord Buddha was in the full moon of Visakh lunar month. After searching for the truth and enlightenment for 6 years, Lord Buddha attained deep into the meditative mind (respiration Vipassana Meditation) deeper and deeper until He enlightened under the Bodhi Tree (Banyan tree) at Uruvela, Buddh Gaya.
The Parinibana of Lord Buddha was in the full moon of Visakh lunar month. After his misson to spread the voice of peace, tolerance, non-violance, loving-kindness and profound paradigm shifts, at the age of 80 years old, Buddha passed away in a deep meditative mindfulness accessed to Nibana under the Sala tree in Kushinara.
Visakh Day is very important for human beings and gods that this day signifies the gate of light for the prosperious world.
United Nations, under its special resolution have recognized Visakh Day as the sacred day for human beings and the UN's staffs to take a break and celebration.
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